The Proposals
Last updated
Last updated
The "Proposal" page allows to submit new Proposals & monitor all the Proposals in the DAO.
Each Proposal card includes:
The time remaining before next status change if the Proposal status is in Voting Period OR Grace Period
The majority needed & the current majority
The quorum needed & the current quorum
The number of YES votes & NO votes
Buttons & to vote if the Proposal is in Voting Period
A button to access granular details such as : type of Proposal / submission date / submitter address...
A button "To process" if the Proposal status is "Approved - ready to be process" or "Rejected - ready to be process"
A button "Processed" if the Proposal status is "Approved" or "Rejected"
The Proposals are displayed as a list which can be:
Ordered (Time remaining OR Date submitted OR Date processed)
Filtered (Active / Status / Type)
Filtering items are the followings:
Voting period
The Proposal is submitted AND the timer is less than Voting Period duration
Rejected - ready to process
The Proposal is submitted AND the timer is higher than Voting Period duration AND Majority OR Quorum requirements are not met
Grace period
The Proposal is submitted AND the timer is higher than Voting Period duration AND the timer is less than Grace Period duration AND NOT Rejected - ready to process
Approved - ready to process
The Proposal status is submitted AND the timer is higher than Grace Period duration AND Majority AND Quorum requirements are met at the end of the Voting Period AND the proposal is not processed
An "Approved - ready to process" Proposal is processed
An "Rejected - to ready process" Proposal is processed
Status is Voting Period OR Grace Period OR Approved - ready to process Or Rejected - ready to process
Status is Approved OR Rejected
Proposal Type is Onboard
Proposal Type is Signal
Proposal Type is Whitelist
Proposal Type is Unwhitelist
OTC Swap
Proposal Type is OTC Swap
AMM Swap
Proposal Type is AMM Swap